Karina Grömer - Anton Kern,
Artifacts: Treasures of the Millennia
A Guide through the Prehistoric Collections
Wien 2018
ISBN 978-3-903096-11-0
308 pp., num. colour and b/w-figs., 27 x 19 cm; softcover
The Department of Prehistory of the Naturah History Museum Vienna is
home to one of the largest and most diverse archaeological collections
in Europe, with outstanding objects of international importance such as
the Venus of Willendorf, the gold disks of Stollhof, the bull of Býčí
skála, the dagger of Maiersdorf, the Situla of Kuffern, the
conical-necked vessels of Sopron, and the important finds from the salt
mines and cemetery of Hallstatt.
The mission of the Department of
Prehistory is to explore the history of mankind on the basis of their
relicts, and to communicate the knowledge gained to the public. Unique
traces of the past are collected, curated, and examined for this