Bekavac, Silvia – Željko Miletić : Genesis, structure and role of freedmen bodies of Seviri and Augustales
Silvia Bekavac – Željko Miletić, Genesis, structure and role of freedmen bodies of Seviri and Augustales /Geneza, struktura i uloga oslobođeničkih tijela sevira i AugustalaZadar 2022ISBN 978-953-331-228-6 308 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 27 x 18 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweispraching kroatisch – englisch / bilingual croatian – english

49,50 €*
Sharankov, Nikolay : The ancient inscriptions of Dionysopolis / Античните надписи на Дионисопол
Nikolay Sharankov, The ancient inscriptions of Dionysopolis / Античните надписи на ДионисополSofia 2024ISBN 978-954-07-5924-1 458 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 24 x 16 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverin bulgarischer Sprache in Bulgarian The author examines the Greek and Latin inscriptions of ancient Dionysopolis (modern Balchik). Their texts are presented in an edition with commentary and an analysis of the linguistic and onomastic data. In addition to the epigraphic texts from the city, the author also publishes all inscriptions which were found outside the territory of Dionysopolis, but mentioned the city or its inhabitants. The chronological extend of the corpus, in view of the available epigraphic material, is from 4th century BC to the 4th century AD.

49,00 €*
Grumeza, Lavinia – Victor Cojocaru – Cristina I. Tica : The Sarmatians and the Others. Nomadic and Sedentary Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe in the First Half of the 1st Millennium AD
Lavinia Grumeza – Victor Cojocaru – Cristina I. Tica (Hrsg./eds.),The Sarmatians and the Others. Nomadic and Sedentary Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe in the First Half of the 1st Millennium AD(Pontica et Mediterranea, Band XI)Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-783-2490 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 24,5 x 18 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

79,00 €*
Kovács, Péter – Ádám Szabó : Tituli partis meridionalis Agri Aquincensis et in Barbarico reperti
Péter Kovács – Ádám Szabó,Tituli Aquincenses VI: Tituli partis meridionalis Agri Aquincensis et in Barbarico repertiISBN 978-963-9746-75-6 (Reihe)ISBN 978-615-5741-70-8 (Band)Budapest 2023182 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb., num. b/w-figs., 28,7 x 20 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Petre, Zoe : De la Mer Égée au Pont Euxin. Études d’Histoire Politique et Culturelle Antique
Zoe Petre, De la Mer Égée au Pont Euxin. Études d’Histoire Politique et Culturelle Antique(2 Bände/volumes)Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-684-2 (Set) ISBN 978-606-020-685-9 (Band/vol. 1) ISBN 978-606-020-686-6 (Band/vol. 2) 1092 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Lucrețiu : Mensa Rotunda Epigraphica. Papers of the Conference held in Iași 20th–21st of September 2022
Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba,Mensa Rotunda Epigraphica.Papers of the Conference held in Iași 20th–21st of September 2022 Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-742-9262 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 23 x 16 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Găzdac, Cristian – George G. Marinescu : The Curse of Hoarding. The Sălcuța Hoard
Cristian Găzdac – George G. Marinescu,The Curse of Hoarding: The Sălcuța Hoard(Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania, vol. XIX)Cluj-Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-793-1174 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Kaić, Iva : Collection of Roman Engraved Gems in the Archaeological Museum Zagreb / Zbirska Rimskih Gema iz Arheološkog Muzeja u Zagrebu
Iva Kaić, Collection of Roman Engraved Gems in the Archaeological Museum Zagreb / Zbirska Rimskih Gema iz Arheološkog Muzeja u Zagrebu(Catalogi et Monographie Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis, vol. 18)Zagreb 2024ISBN 978-953-8143-50-2ISBN 978-953-175-799-7 327 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

139,00 €*
Dinchev, Ventsislav : The Necropolis at the Benkovski Quarter of Sofia and the Late Antique Necropoleis in Present Day Bulgaria
Ventsislav Dinchev, The Necropolis at the Benkovski Quarter of Sofia and the Late Antique Necropoleis in Present Day Bulgaria /Некрополът край кв. Бенковски, София, и късноантичните некрополи в днешна България (Excavations and Research / Разкопки и проучвания, vol. 51)2 Bände/volumesSofia 2024ISBN 978-619-245-417-3 (Band/volume 1) ISBN 978-619-245-418-0 (Band/volume 2)L + 510 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28,5 x 20 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverBulgarisch mit ausführlicher englischer ZusammenfassungBulgarian with an extended summary in English Table of contents Book 1. Text Предговор / Preface Част 1. Обектът в кв. Бенковски, София / Chaper 1. The archaeological site near Benkovski neighbourhood, Sofia 1. Местоположение и актуално състояние на обекта с некропола / 1. Location and status quo of the necropolis site 2. Методика и етапи на проучването, ранният период на обекта / 2. Methodology and research stages, and the pre-Roman occupation of the archaeological site Част 2. Некрополът "Бенковски" и късноантичните некрополи в днешна България / Chapter 2. The Benkovski necropolis and the Late Antique necropoleis in present day Bulgaria 1. Некрополът "Бенковски" / 1. The Benkovski necropolis 1.1. Вторичен късноантичен некропол в несъхранена по-ранна могила / 1.1. A secondary Late Antiqe necropolis, organized within an earlier mound 1.2. Пространствена организация и нарушения / 1.2. Spatial organisation of the necropolis and examples of disturbed grave contexts 2. Късноантичните некрополи в днешна България / 2. The Late Antique necropoleis in present day Bulgaria 2.1. Разположение и разграничения / 2.1. Location and diversities 2.2. Късноантични некрополи и гробове в могили / 2.2. Late Antique necropoleis and tumular graves 2.3. Пространствена организация на късноантичните некрополи / 2.3. Spatial organisation of the Late Antique necropoleis 2.4. Нарушения на гробни съоръжения / 2.4. Disturbance of grave structures Част 3. Наземни гробни съоръжения / Chpater 3. Above-ground post-funeral structures 1. Наземните съоръжения в некропола "Бенковски" / 1. Above-ground post-funeral structures within the Benkovski necropolis 2. Паралели и сравнителен анализ / 2. Parallels and comparative analysis Част 4. Гробни ями / Chapter 4. Grave pits 1. Гробните ями в некропола "Бенковски" / 1. The grave pits from the Benkovski necropolis 2. Паралели и сравнителен анализ / 2. Parallels and comparative analysis 2.1. Гробове с обикновени ями / 2.1. Graves with simple pits 2.2. Гробове с ями с усложнена конфигурация в план и разрез / 2.2. Grave stuctures with a complex configuration in plan and cross-section 2.3. Гробове със стреховидни покрития от керемиди или тухли / 2.3. Graves with double-eave covers of bricks and tegulae 2.4. Гробове с настилки от тухли или керемиди / 2.4. Graves with floors covered with bricks or tiles 2.5. Гробове с данни за дървени съоръжения / 2.5. Graves with wooden constructions 2.6. Гробове с трайно придънно рамкиране / 2.6. Graves with permanent pit floor framing Част 5. Антропологична характеристика на некропола "Бенковски" / Chapter 5. Anthropological characteristics of the Benkovski necropolis 1. Състояние на костния материал, методи на изследване / 1. Condition of the skeletal remains, methodology of the examination 2. Възраст, пол, ръст и телесна маса на погребаните индивиди / 2. Age, sex, height and body mass of the identified individuals 3. Патология / 3. Pathology 4. Анатомични вариетети / 4. Anayomical varieties 5. Лечебни въздействия върху костите / 5.3. Medical treatment of the bones Част 6. Погребален обред / Chapter 6. Burial custom 1. Характеристика на обреда в некропола "Бенковски" / 1. Characteristics of the burial custom employed in the Benkovski necropolis 2. Паралели и сравнителен анализ / 2. Parallels and comparative analysis 2.1. Ориентация и позиция на инхумирани покойници в късноантични гробове и некрополи / Orientation and position of the individuals in the necropoleis and grave structutures with inhumation during the Late Antique period 2.2. Случаи на свиване, пристягане на погребваните индивиди / 2.2. Examples of the practice of constricting and binding the buried individuals 2.3. Отваряне на гробове и разместване на костни останки / 2.3. Reopening of grave structures and displacing the bone remains 2.4. Други "защитни" обредни практики / 2.4. Other types of "protective" custom practices 2.5. Отваряне на гробове и изнасяне на костните останки / 2.5. Reopening of the grave structures and removal of the bone remains Част 7. Гробен инвентар / Chapter 7. Grave inventory 1. Преглед на инвентар в некропола "Бенковски" / 1. An overview of the grave inventory of the Benkovski necropolis 2. Гробният инвентар от късноантичните некрополи в днешна България / 2. Grave inventory from the Late Antique necropoleis in the territory of modern Bulgaria 2.1. Гробен инвентар в неградски некрополи / 2.1. Grave inventory from non-urban necropoleis 2.2. Гробен инвентар в градски и крайградски некрополи / 2.2. Grave inventory in urban and suburban necropoleis 2.3. Обобщение / 2.3. Summary 3. Монетите от некропола "Бенковски" / 3. The coin finds of the Benkovski necropolis 4. Характеристика на немонетния инвентар от некропола "Бенковски" / 4. The non-numismatic finds from the Benkovski necropolis 4.1. Обици / 4.1. Earrings 4.2. Токи / 4.2. Belt buckles 4.3. Varia 5. Каталог на находките от некропола "Бенковски" / 5. Catalogue of the finds from the Benkovski necropolis Част 8. Хронология и интерпретация / Chapter 8. Chronology and interpretation 1. Хронология на некропола "Бенковски" / 1. Chronology fo the Benkovski necropolis 2. Проблемът за етническата интерпретация през Късната античност / 2. The issue of ethnic association 2.1. Концептуални въпроси / 2.1. Conceptual questions 2.2. Късноантичните тракийски некрополи в днешна България / 2.2. The Thracian necropoleis in Bulgaria during the Late Antique period 2.3. Късноантичните некрополи на ново население в днешна България / 2.3. The necropoleis of the new inhabitants during the Late Antique period in nowadays Bulgaria 3. Етническа интерпретация на некропола "Бенковски" / 3. Ethnic characteristics of the Benkovski necropolis 4. Селищен контекст и социална характеристика на некропола "Бенковски" / 4. Settlement context and social characteristics of Benkovski necropolis Част 9. Каталог на гробовете от некропола "Бенковски" / Chapter 9. Catalogue of the grave structures of the Benkovski necropolis Bibliography Summary Book 2. Appendices Figures 1—39 Tables I—XVI Tables А—E Tables 1—128

99,00 €*
Finds Stories: Addressing Mobility through People and Object Biographies
Finds Stories: Addressing Mobility through People and Object BiographiesZagreb 2024ISBN 978-953-8143-63-2131 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- u. SW-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 23 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweisprachig kroatisch - englisch

49,50 €*
Egri, Mariana – Aurel Rustoiu : The Archaeology of Communities and Landscapes in the Carpathian Basin
Mariana Egri – Aurel Rustoiu, The Archaeology of Communities and Landscapes in the Carpathian BasinCluj – Napoca 2023ISBN 978-606-020-693-4218 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Alexandru, Nicolaie : Callatis, Oraş grescesc în Tinutul Geților
Nicolaie Alexandru, Callatis, Oraş grescesc în Tinutul Geților Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-756-6196 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Vagalinski, Lyudmil – Sven Conrad – Lyuba Traykova – Nadezhda Kecheva – Raiko Krauß : Novgrad – Tash Bair I: Аrchaeological investigations at the southernmost point of the Danube
Lyudmil Vagalinski – Sven Conrad – Lyuba Traykova – Nadezhda Kecheva – Raiko Krauß, Novgrad – Tash Bair I: Аrchaeological investigations at the southernmost point of the Danube(Excavations and Research / Разкопки и проучвания, vol. 48)2 Bände/volumesSofia 2023ISBN 978-619-245-386-2 (volume 1) ISBN 978-619-245-388-6 (volume 2)L + 686 S./pp., Farbabb./colour-figs., 28,5 x 20 cm; kartoniert/hardcover The Bulgarian-German collaboration in archaeological research at the confluence of the Yantra and the Danube has a long and established tradition. The ongoing research now opens its third chapter in the Bulgarian-German research at the mouth of the Yantra River, with which we have entered the seventh decade since the research began. The previous research had already established that the important sites at the Tach Bair play a key role in understanding settlement system at the mouth of the Yantra. This volume contains the results and finds of the intensive field surveys and the targeted excavations that were carried out during the first research from 2018 to 2020, including pottery and small finds as well as the results of the interdisciplinary investigations.

99,00 €*
Tachev, Yanislav : The coinage of Nicopolis ad Mestum.
Yanislav Tachev, The coinage of Nicopolis ad Mestum.Sofia / София 2024ISBN 978-619-91692-5-4152 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert / hardcoverEnglisch mit ausführlicher Zusammenfassung in Bulgarisch (20 Seiten) /English with an extended summary in Bulgarian (20 pages)

99,00 €*
Horvat, Jana – Stefan Groh – Karl Strobel – Mateja Belak : Roman urban landscape. Towns and minor settlements from Aquileia to the Danube.
Jana Horvat – Stefan Groh – Karl Strobel – Mateja Belak, Roman urban landscape. Towns and minor settlements from Aquileia to the Danube.(Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 47)Ljubljana 2024ISBN 978-961-05-0827-4 516 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover The book presents new elements of the urbanistic aspects of Roman towns and minor settlements in the large area of Caput Adriae, Noricum, and Pannoniae. The result of these efforts is twenty-six contributions by 54 authors from eight countries (Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia). With this publication, we have attempted to expand the knowledge about the development of towns and some other important settlements and their integration into a larger network of urban and rural agglomerations.

99,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.) : Space, landscapes and settlements in Byzantium: Studies in historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Presented to Johannes Koder
Andreas Külzer – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.), Space, landscapes and settlements in Byzantium: Studies in historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Presented to Johannes Koder (Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 1)Novi Sad 2017ISBN 978-86-6263-191-6 526 S./pp., Illustrationen, Karten, 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverBeiträge teilweise englisch, teilweise deutsch, 1 Beitrag russisch in kyrillischer Schrift

99,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas – Veronika Polloczek – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.) : Raum und Geschichte. Der historische Atlas "Tabula Imperii Byzantini" an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Andreas Külzer – Veronika Polloczek – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.), Raum und Geschichte. Der historische Atlas "Tabula Imperii Byzantini" an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften(Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 3)Novi Sad 2020ISBN 978-86-6263-305-7 239 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Taf./num. colour and b/w-pls., 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas (Hrsg.) : Herbert Hunger und die Wiener Schule der Byzantinistik. Rückblick und Ausblick
Andreas Külzer (Hrsg.), Herbert Hunger und die Wiener Schule der Byzantinistik. Rückblick und Ausblick(Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 2)Novi Sad 2019ISBN 978-86-6263-243-2 350 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Taf./num. colour and b/w-pls., 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Nankov, Emil : Markers of Military Mobility: Toward an Archaeology of the Sling in Ancient Thrace (5th c. BC – 4th c. AD)
Emil Nankov, Markers of Military Mobility: Toward an Archaeology of the Sling in Ancient Thrace (5th c. BC – 4th c. AD)with A Corpus of the inscribed lead sling projectiles from Bulgaria /Glandes Plumbeae Inscriptae in Bulgaria Repertae(Excavations and Research / Разкопки и проучвания, vol. 50)Sofia 2023ISBN 978-619-245-385-5260 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28,5 x 20 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverenglisch mit ausführlicher Zusammenfassung in bulgarischenglish with extended summary in bulgarian The present study is dedicated to some of the finds from a type of archaeological structures that are specific to the Classical and Hellenistic necropolis of Apollonia: the so-called "ritual fireplaces". These are remains of rituals carried out in the necropolis and related to food consumption or offerings and libations for the dead. Ritual fireplaces are usually discovered between the graves, most often next to stone walls and other structures delimiting burials or groups of burials. The repertoire of finds from the ritual fireplaces comprises mainly pottery: mostly black-glaze and plain vases, rarely painted (red-figure) ones. The shapes are mainly for serving food. Less represented are terracotta figurines, metal items, funerary wreaths, etc. It should be emphasized that the scope of the present study is modest: it analyzes only 45 out of hundreds of ritual fireplaces investigated in the necropolis of Apollonia in the last three decades. The analysis of several dozen fireplaces aims to partially fill a gap in the existing literature dealing with black-glaze pottery from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.The monography comprises an introduction and three main chapters: Chapter I. Black-glaze pottery from the ritual fireplaces in the necropolis of Apollonia: Types and chronology, Chapter II. Catalogue of the black-glaze pottery with a commentary on the context (some 400 vases from investigations in Kalfata, Budzhaka, and Mesarite localities), and Chapter III. Other pottery. The conclusion discusses specific and the general problems of the pottery in the fireplaces, problems of chronology, and an attempt to bind archaeological evidence with historical processes.

69,00 €*
Šašel Kos, Marjeta : Emona (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 3)
Marjeta Šašel Kos, Emona (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 3)(Situla. Razprave Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae 47)Ljubljana 2024ISBN 978-961-6981-72-9458 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert / hardcover

89,00 €*
Lovenjak, Milan : Neviodunum (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 1)
Milan Lovenjak, Neviodunum (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 1)(Situla. Razprave Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae 37)Ljubljana 1998ISBN 978-961-6169-09-7405 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert / hardcover

49,50 €*
Militký, Jiří – Lenka Vacinová : Coins of the Roman Republic. The National Museum. Prague. The Systematic Collection and the Gulyantsi Hoard (Bulgaria)
Jiří Militký – Lenka Vacinová, Coins of the Roman Republic. The National Museum. Prague. The Systematic Collection and the Gulyantsi Hoard (Bulgaria)Prague 2018ISBN 978-80-7036-576-2431 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Vladkova, Pavlina : Novae. The Residence of Theoderic the Great
Pavlina Vladkova,Novae. The Residence of Theoderic the GreatVeliko Tarnovo 2023ISBN 978-954-9489-00-2 80 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour-figs., 20 x 14,5 cm; paperbackzweisprachig englisch-bulgarisch bilingual english-bulgarian

14,90 €*
Neubauer, Wolfgang – Ingrid Kowatschek (Hrsg.) : Forschungen in Schwarzenbach. Die Forschungen in den Jahren 1992–2008
Wolfgang Neubauer – Ingrid Kowatschek (Hrsg.), Forschungen in Schwarzenbach. Die Forschungen in den Jahren 1992–2008(Studien zur Eisenzeit im Ostalpenraum 3)Budapest 2023ISBN 978-615-5766-63-3270 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., kartoniert/hardcover Die urgeschichtliche Fundstelle Schwarzenbach-Burg (Niederösterreich) ist seit 30 Jahren Gegenstand intensiver und interdisziplinär ausgerichteter archäologischer Forschung. Auf dem markanten Hügel lag in der Späten Eisenzeit eine 15 Hektar umfassende Höhensiedlung, die mit einer Wall-Grabenanlage mit Pfostenschlitzmauer befestigt war. Die Siedlung befand sich in strategisch günstiger Position am Rand der Oberpullendorfer Bucht, einem Zentrum spätlatènezeitlicher Eisengewinnung und Verhüttung. Die bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse stützen die Einordnung der Anlage Schwarzenbach-Burg als Zentralort im Sinne eines spätlatènezeitlichen Oppidums. Neben der eisenzeitlichen konnten weit ältere Besiedlungsphasen aus dem Neolithikum und der Bronzezeit festgestellt werden. Im vorliegenden Band zu den Forschungen in Schwarzenbach werden die Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären Projekte aus den Jahren 1992 bis 2008 vorgelegt. Neben den Grabungsergebnissen werden die Prospektionsmessungen und weiterführende naturwissenschaftliche Studien präsentiert.

69,00 €*